Wellness means finding balance in physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of life, while prioritizing self-care and making choices that support our overall happiness and health.
Wellness means reaching beyond fitness and nutrition to the 8 dimensions of wellness: emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial.
Wellness means those days when I wake up well-rested, feeling good physically, have time for some movement during the day, and have energy to handle whatever the day brings with a smile on my face.
For me, wellness is a conscious choice and an intentional practice to develop and maintain healthy habits that benefit both mind and body, planting seeds for self-actualization, while letting go of obstacles that prevent continuous and meaningful growth.
The most rewarding part about my experience is knowing teammates appreciate and benefit from my efforts, feeling supported and motivated, with some successfully re-establishing healthy habits in a positive and encouraging way.
I became a wellness ambassador because I am passionate about my personal wellness and hope to spread my enthusiasm to others around me. I find joy in helping others and cultivating experiences that result in long-lasting memories.
Wellness means embodying our daily habits that assist us in maintaining or moving toward good health outcomes. As a dietitian, I love that I can provide science-based advice, using practical tools to build an eating pattern that is sustainable and adequate to meet nutritional needs at all stages of life.
Wellness for me is finding ways to incorporate things into your day that bring joy or make you and those around you feel good. Developing awareness around when these things would feel helpful, or when you may need to take a break, is also an important aspect of wellness!
"There are many aspects of wellness including a healthy diet, maintaining an exercise routine, and practicing mindfulness through meditation or completing acts of kindness daily."
"Wellness means taking care of mind, body, and soul. Each of these components has a method of communicating with us to let us know when something is in or out of alignment. The objective of wellness is to recognize the cues, keep everything in alignment, and maximize our health and well-being".
"Wellness means self-care, which encompasses a lot of things and is personal to each individual. It is not just adding something, but managing your work and home life so that you have time to care for yourself".
"One of the biggest benefits has been spending quality downtime with my team, and seeing the healing that can happen when we are allowed to put work to the side for a bit."
I find wellness in connecting with people over shared experiences. I love meeting new people and hearing them speak about their passions. It’s even better if they can share and teach me some new skills along the way!
Wellness is caring for the mind, body, and soul through practices that help maintain the various dimensions of wellness (physical, spiritual, emotional, occupational, intellectual, environmental, financial, and social).
Creating and maintaining balance in life is what wellness means to me -- diligently seeking, daily, to synergize 8 interconnected dimensions of wellness.
"Wellness means taking the time to take care of yourself, whether it’s taking care of your mind, body, or soul. It’s taking time out to give your body and mind the things that it needs."
"I find wellness to mean living a healthy lifestyle to support physical and mental well-being. Really, that encompasses anything - taking time for self-care, treating myself to a new fun activity or delectable snack, creating a routine, pushing myself to learn something new . . . the list goes on."
"Wellness means being mindful of yourself, including your emotional and physical health, and making thoughtful choices that leads you towards a fulfilling life of positive growth. Wellness is a personal decision, and we get to define how this goal can be accomplished in our own life."
"I've contributed to the mission by starting the conversations with my coworkers and management to consider doing activities that will promote a healthier work environment, having wellness conversations, and having a wellness mindset to take actions towards being a healthier department overall."
"As a Wellness Ambassador, I help create accessibility to wellness opportunities and create events based on my colleagues' interests. I cheer on their participation, accomplishments and offer resources."
"Being a Wellness Ambassador has given me the opportunity to learn more about ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Sharing that information with my team has been rewarding as their feedback, upon receiving this information, has been positive and encouraging. In addition, I have developed wonderful friendships with my committee members who are just as passionate about sharing health and well-being with the rest of our team."
"Wellness means overall well-being: being active by actively connecting, actively caring, actively giving, and actively moving are my go-to tactics toward well-being! Well-being is something that we DO. We eat well, move well, sleep well, rest well, work well, and relate well. Wellness means that we live well!"
"I feel I contribute to the mission by actively promoting making healthy choices. I encourage my peers to go walks, take the stairs, I provide them a helpful ear when they need someone to talk to, and I promote a balance between work and life."
"I think of wellness as a measure of the overall healthiness of my life. This includes all aspects not just physical, although that definitely plays a big part, but also emotional, relational, and mental healthiness too. When I'm enforcing healthy boundaries... when I get up and walk... when I use my finances ... when I take rest time for my emotional health that's a part of wellness."
"I try to make talking about wellness a regular practice. Talking about wellness creates a culture where wellness is a priority. Helping people get started with one small step is how wellness happens. Eventually, the healthier choice is the easiest choice."
Focusing on wellness has been one of the greatest gifts I have given myself and shared with others. In a world full of constant distractions and challenges, wellness gives me the opportunity to slow down, hit the rest button, and focus on the things that matter most. Wellness also drives my creativity, which is an important part of my work that brings me joy.
"Wellness to me, means a healthy state of contentment and to be in a state of equilibrium. Wellness is having the tools to turn negative situations into positive ones, to have the resources to grow and to pursue passions in life."
"I was interested in doing more on campus and the notion of being a Wellness Ambassador resonated with me after learning more about the program. I like the holistic approach this program and the campus has taken to well-being."