Shipment and Receipt of Radioactive Material

Shipment and Receipt of Radioactive Material

To Receive Radioactive Material:

All laboratories ordering radioactive materials for research at UC Davis must have packages delivered to the following addresses:

For the UC Davis campus:

University of California, Davis
Environmental Services Facility
2201 Environmental Services Lane
Receiving Laboratory, Room 127, Bldg. L033
Davis, CA 95616

For the UC Davis Medical Center:

UC Davis Health System
Environmental Health and Safety
4800 2nd Avenue, Suite 2500
Sacramento, CA 95817

Failure to have radioactive material delivered to the above addresses will cause delays in the receipt, processing, and delivery of your radioactive packages.

Other important information that must be present either on the package or packing invoice must be the RUA # or Principal Investigator Name.  This will allow the EH&S staff to properly identify who the package belongs to as well as where to deliver the package.

To prevent further delays in the delivery of radioactive packages, it is important to review your radiation Use Authorization (RUA) prior to ordering any radioactive materials.  This is to ensure that the radionuclide, chemical compound, and amount of the radioactive material are authorized.  If the material received is not authorized, the material will be held until the issue is corrected.

If you have any questions regarding the receipt, processing, or delivery of your radioactive material, you can contact Troy Wenham at (530) 681-0502 or the EH&S main office at (530) 752-1493.

To Ship Radioactive Material:

Radioactive material must be shipped from UC Davis only by trained EH&S personnel.  If you have any questions regarding the shipment of radioactive materials, you can contact Felipe Penilla at (530) 752-3579, Lina Planutyté at (530) 752-9991 or the EH&S main office at (530) 752-1493.