Only clear, clean water can be discharged into a storm drain inlet.
To report an illicit discharge, click here.
Storm drain inlets are located around the campus and are usually located in and around parking lots, along the curbs of roads, and sometimes associated with runoff from the roofs of campus buildings. Storm water drain inlets located in the core campus drain directly into the Arboretum Waterway, and during the rainy season the excess water is pumped from the Arboretum Waterway to Putah Creek. Storm drains west of Hwy 113 and south of I-80 discharge directly to Putah Creek. Putah Creek flows to the Sacramento River, and ultimately to San Francisco Bay.
Prohibited Discharge
Listed below are some examples of materials that may NOT be discharged to the storm drains. These "illicit non-storm water discharges" are considered pollutants and never should be discharged into a campus storm drain inlet. These pollutants can cause damage to the water in the state and harm the wildlife living in the environment in and around our creeks.
- Adhesives
- Asbestos
- Cleaners
- Curing Compounds
- Herbicides
- Household Toxics
- Insulation
- Masonry/Concrete
- Petroleum Products
- Pesticides
- Polishes
- Radiator Flushing
- Sealing Agents
- Sediment (Dirt)
- Septic Fluids
- Vehicle Fluids
- Wash Waters
- Waste Paint
Permitted Discharge
Listed below are some examples of exempt non-storm water discharges. These are examples of non-pollutants, which are allowed to go into the campus storm drain system.
- Dechlorinated Swimming Pool Discharges
- Diverted Stream Flows
- Domestic Water Line Flushing
- Fire Hydrant Testing
- Foundation Drains
- Landscape Irrigation
- Lawn Watering
- Rising Ground Water