Judy stands in the sunlight smiling

February Wellness Ambassador of the Month | Judy Tsurutani

Quick Summary

  • I believe wellness is the act of healthy habits both physically and mentally. To understand that wellness will help you thrive!

How long have you worked at UC Davis?

I have worked at UC Davis for 31 years

What does Wellness mean to you?

I believe wellness is the act of healthy habits both physically and mentally. To understand that wellness will help you thrive!


Why did you become a wellness ambassador?
Initially I became a wellness ambassador to help my own physical and mental health and to promote this to my peers. I feel that people are so busy and forget that their emotional, physical, spiritual and social wellness can affect their well-being. Support, lead and implement wellness and promote wellness initiatives in the workplace has been very rewarding.

How long have you been a wellness ambassador?

I have been a wellness ambassador for 2 years.


What has been the most rewarding or positive part about your experience thus far?

Being a wellness ambassador has given me the opportunity to bring cohesiveness to the clinic I work in. Fun and relaxing activities have a reason for staff to laugh and have a few moments to enjoy their day.

What are some challenges you face as a wellness ambassador?

Our challenges were trying to have other services help with our wellness activities. As an example, we had requested to hang a bulletin board up for our "Shout out" and coloring board, we had requested this over 2 months ago and this has still not been implemented.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new wellness ambassadors?

I would recommend as a new wellness ambassador to be persistent and don't give up! Also attend the wellness ambassador meetings. Other wellness ambassadors are a good resource, no need to re-invent the wheel if someone else has been successful with an activity. We are all here to share our wellness journey.


Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being aims to build an environment that makes the healthier choice the easier one, while providing staff and faculty with the required support to make UC Davis the healthiest community. How do you feel you have contributed to our mission?

Just recently our clinic received the Wellness Grant, we utilized this by creating the team walker challenge, with five teams and each team with five to six members. The two team with the highest steps won a wellness prize, which included a (water bottle, fanny pack, stretch band and a microfiber towel. A shout out and coloring board was also created to promote peers to be recognized and give thanks to each other. Overall, these activities have brought my clinic some cohesiveness, team spirit and a sense of well being the teams are already wanting a rematch for next month. Which we are planning to do!

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

My favorite things to do is, travel, cook, try new restaurants, knit, crochet, play with my cats and exercise.

Secondary Categories

Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being
