Travel Insurance

All international travel must be registered and UC covers travelers worldwide on official university business.

Content Outline

How to Register?

All airfare booked through the AggieTravel online tool will automatically be registered. For reservations made outside of AggieTravel, you must register your trip prior to departure through UC Away: Trip Registration

Why Register?

Accurate information on your travel plans is needed to deliver the services and protections the travel insurance policy offers. Your registration information serves to verify eligibility to the insurance company if you submit a claim, use any benefit, or request travel assistance services. Registering travel will also help direct aid to travelers in the event of natural disaster or major political event in their travel destination.

How to update your emergency contact information?

Once you register your trip, you will receive an email with a link to create a Crisis24 Horizon account. Once logged into your account:

  1. Click your name in the upper right corner of the browser window and select ‘Profile.’ 
  2. Click ‘Edit Profile Details’ and then scroll down
  3. Click ‘+ Add Emergency Contact.’ 

UC Travel Insurance

The University of California's travel insurance coverage provides protection at no cost while traveling worldwide on official university business, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

Effective June 1, 2022, the travel assistance provider for the UC travel insurance program has changed from Chubb-United Global Health Care (Chubb-UGHC) to Chubb-AXA.

For travel and medical assistance services after June 1st, please contact:

  • Chubb-AXA Global Travel Assistance for University of California

Read more about UC Travel Assistance Services

Who is covered?
  • UC employees (faculty, staff) and students
    • Also eligible for coverage are spouses, domestic partners, dependents, and traveling companions.
  • Individuals designated by UC for travel on UC business
    • Independent contractors hired and controlled by the University qualify for coverage

What is covered?

Coverage is broad and includes: medical care and evacuation, loss of personal property, extraction for political and weather related reasons, travel assistance services.

How do you get your insurance card?
Upon registering your travel you will receive an email containing an insurance card and the toll-free number to call in an emergency.

Required forms and travel to highly sanctioned countries

  • Antarctica / Greenland Travel
    All travelers must submit the Greenland-Antarctica Travel Affidavit to before travel begins.
  • Cuba Travel
    All travelers must submit the AIG Cuba Travel Certification to before travel begins. Only the first two pages of the document need to be completed.
  • Travel to highly sanctioned countries
    Travel to highly sanctioned countries (Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Crimea Region) requires prior notification to AIG--please email with the following information:
    • The number of travelers
    • Purpose and length of visit
    • Where in the country/region they will be traveling
    • If the travelers will meet with or be accompanied by government officials

Submit the above information to before travel begins.

Insurance Certificate

To request a certificate of insurance to acquire a visa, demonstrate coverage for COVID-19, or any other reason, please visit UCOP's Insurance Certificate webpage.

Once UCOP receives your request, please allow 3-5 business days for your insurance certificate request to be processed. You will receive it as a PDF document attached to an email.

Personal Travel Insurance Program

You can purchase UC Business Travel Program benefits for your own personal travel through the UC Personal Travel Program.



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