Biological Use Authorization

Work with biological agents or recombinant DNA requires a Biological Use Authorization (BUA) from the UC Davis Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). 

Biological Use Authorizations can take approximately eight weeks to approve, from the date of submission.

Research requiring Biological Use Authorization

  • Research involving recombinant DNA technology, except projects that are exempt under the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules.  For exempt rDNA activities, please see our FAQ topic - What types of rDNA research always require IBC approval?
  • Work with materials that are infectious (or potentially infectious) to plants, animals, or humans (including replication-defective viral vectors).
  • Working with any material that falls under the Cal OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.  This includes any work with human cell lines, human blood or blood products, and human body fluids.  At UC Davis, work with non-human primate (NHP) cells, established NHP cell lines, and NHP blood or blood products also requires a BUA.
  • Storage of biohazardous materials that are not being used.

Submitting or Amending a Biological Use Authorization (BUA)

The online application UC Biosafety is used to submit/amend a BUA. For support, please email

  1. Consult the UC Biosafety page for information on submitting, amending or managing a BUA 
  2. Read Policies and Standard Operating Procedures for work with biohazardous agents (Appendix A of the BUA form)
  3. Attach your Biological Safety Cabinet form to your BUA in Bio.
  4. Investigator Responsibilities Under the NIH rDNA Guidelines.
  5. Access Additional Forms & Plans