Medical waste requires specialized treatment using approved methods before disposal in a landfill.
SOP for Autoclaving STEC cultures
Use these guidelines and procedures for autoclaving pathogenic cultures of shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) or other category A organisms. All other BSL-2 non-category A organisms are to be disposed of as medical waste per the campus medical waste management plan.
Read and download the SOP for use in your lab (.doc)
Medical waste is waste from clinical or research settings that is contaminated or potentially contaminated by human source materials, non-human primate source materials, or human infectious agents. For a more comprehensive definition of medical waste, please visit the California Department of Public Health website.
Medical Waste Management Plan
Medical waste generators must have a medical waste management plan that outlines appropriate disposal procedures. The campuswide Medical Waste Management Plan (MWMP) was created in compliance with the Medical Waste Management Act requirements.
Medical waste must be treated to inactivate biohazardous agents by an approved method before it is released.

Setting-up a medical waste accumulation site
Information on setting up a medical waste accumulation site

Tips regarding medical waste
Tips for managing medical waste products.