Chemical Safety Training

The principal investigator or supervisor is responsible for all lab- and project-specific training, including experimental methods and techniques, specific hazards, and risk mitigation strategies. The trainee must have an opportunity to ask questions. The training record must include the topics covered, training materials used, the names and signatures of both the trainer and the trainee, and the training date. The training documentation must include verification that the trainee understands the material (e.g., a written quiz or a signed statement that the trainee understands the training topics covered).

If you have any questions about any of the training modules, please contact

Chemical Safety Training Classes

Class Description Registration
Benzene Awareness Benzene is a volatile chemical formed from both natural processes and human activities. Course duration estimate: 1 hour eLearning (LMS) More Information
Controlled Substances Controlled federally listed and/or precursor chemicals, and dangerous devices. Course duration estimate: 40 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
Fume Hood Training Satisfies Cal/OSHA minimum regulatory chemical fume hood requirements. Course duration estimate: 10 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
Guide to Shipping Dry Ice Online UC Davis Guide to Safely Ship Dry Ice via air. Course duration estimate: 30 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
Hazard Communication Campus written hazard communication program elements. Course duration estimate: 55 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
Hazardous Material Handling and Storage Drum handling, compressed gas cylinders, flammable materials, slings, safe lifting and handling techniques. Course duration estimate: 45 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
Hazardous Waste Management and Minimization Training for staff and faculty complies with hazardous waste regulations and reduction practices. Course duration estimate: 1 hour eLearning (LMS) More Information
Lab Safety for Support Personal This course is designed for individuals who may enter a laboratory to provide a support function. Course duration estimate: 45 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
Lead Awareness Hazards associated with lead exposure and requirements to reduce or eliminate exposure. Course duration estimate: 40 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
NIH Guidelines Training For all Principal Investigators and Co-PIs whose research involves recombinant DNA research. Course duration estimate: 15 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
PPE: Body Protection Personal Protective Equipment specifically designed to protect your torso, arms, and legs. Course duration estimate: 30 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information 
PPE: Eye and Face Protection Personal Protective Equipment specifically designed to protect your eyes and face. Course duration estimate: 10 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
PPE: Foot and Leg Protection Personal Protective Equipment specifically designed to protect your feet and legs. Course duration estimate: 25 minutes eLearning (LMS)  More Information
PPE: Hand Protection Personal Protective Equipment specifically designed to protect your hands. Course duration estimate: 30 minutes eLearning (LMS)  More Information
PPE: Head Protection  Personal Protective Equipment specifically designed to protect your head. Course duration estimate: 20 minutes eLearning (LMS)  More Information
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment  Personal Protective Equipment commonly found in general industry. Course duration estimate: 1 hour and 15 minutes eLearning (LMS)  More Information
Preparing for your Laboratory Safety Review Preparing for your Laboratory Safety Review. Course duration estimate: 2 hours ILT (instructor-led training) More Information
Proper Handling of Materials at Biosafety Level 1 Required for research and projects involving microbiological materials, recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid. Course duration estimate: 25 minutes eLearning (LMS)  More Information
Signs and Tags Different accident prevention signs and tags displaying levels of danger and required precautions. Course duration estimate: 30 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information
UC Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Required lab safety fundamentals, chemical safety, general safety. Course duration estimate: 1 hour
eLearning (LMS)
More Information
UC Laboratory Safety Refresher  Refresher course for safety fundamentals, chemical safety, and general safety. Course duration estimate: 30 minutes eLearning (LMS) More Information