February - Heart Health Awareness!
Quick Summary
- Stay active to keep your heart in shape!
- Eat smart to take care of your heart!
- Get restful sleep to recover well!
February is usually associated with hearts because of Valentine’s Day. However, there is another reason hearts should be the center of attention in February: American Heart month. February is a designated month that focuses on cardiovascular health and raising awareness about heart diseases. It is a perfect time to learn more about your heart’s health and how to take care of it. Here are some tips to help you take care of your heart and keep it in good shape:
- Stay On the Move! Sitting down all day and not moving around can lead to heart disease and increase the risk of diabetes. Instead, strive to be active for at least 30 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week with moderate movement in order to improve your heart health. Try to incorporate walks to your daily routine. You can even go for a light jog or practice some yoga! Be sure to do an exercise you enjoy so that you can make it a habit.
- Eat Smart: A healthy diet is one key to a healthy heart. Consider incorporating berries, avocados, whole grains, fatty fish and dark chocolate into your day. Don’t forget greens, too! They have folacin as well as other important nutrients. Eating balanced meals, with as many fruits and vegetables as possible, not only benefits your heart but also your overall health. If you have time, get creative with your meals to make the cooking process more enjoyable!
- Be Careful with Fast Foods and Sugary Drinks: Fast foods are often high in sodium and fat, while sugary drinks provide very few nutrients. When eaten in excess, these foods can clog arteries, raise blood pressure, and cause other health problems. Whenever possible, include plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as lean proteins and whole grains to give your body important nutrients.
- Get Enough Sleep: Sleeping helps restore the body, reduce stress, and increase productivity. Getting at least 7 hours of sleep and setting healthy sleeping patterns is vital for maintaining a healthy heart. Your body needs to rest and recover from your daily activities, so allow yourself to relax after a long day.
Unicity Healthcare: February Is American Heart Month: Heart-Healthy Tips
Seasonal Foods and Recipes
Indian-Spice Pumpkin Apple Soup
This recipe features a blend of many dry-roasted ground spices often used in Indian cooking. Stay warm this winter with this creamy soup and give this heart healthy recipe a try!
Spinach Soufflés
This French dish combines egg yolks and egg whites with some savory spinach, herbs, and grated Parmesan. Enjoy this light yet delicious meal!
Mushroom Ragout with Herbed Ricotta & Pappardelle
This heart healthy meal is topped with dollops of ricotta that cut through the acidity of the tomato-based sauce, giving a nicely balanced flavor and a creamy texture.