November Wellness Ambassador of the Month | Mary Beth Penfold
Wellness Ambassador of the Month
Mary Beth Penfold, University Birthing Suites, Women's Pavilion, and Newborn Nurseries
How long have you worked at UC Davis?
I joined the UC family in 2017, I am happy to have been a nurse here for 3 (and hopefully many more) years!
Why did you become a wellness ambassador?
I became a wellness ambassador when I was inspired by the multitude of resources available that my colleagues (many of whom had been here much longer) had never heard or knew existed. I knew my friends and the staff around me could benefit and I felt responsible to help take care of caregivers.
How long have you been a wellness ambassador?
It's been just over a year and I love it!
What has been the most rewarding or positive about your experience thus far?
The day the massage chair arrived to our unit was like Christmas morning, there was so much excitement and gratitude. Everyone couldn't wait to thoroughly enjoy their break experience, I was almost afraid we might break it in the first week given how many times it was used. I received an incredible amount of great feedback since this project was completed in the middle of the pandemic and it was the closest thing to a real massage and a genuine time to relax. It was exactly how I hoped it would go over and more.
What are some challenges you face as a wellness ambassador?
Balancing wellness around an 8 or 12-hour shift schedule has it's challenges for all my staff, especially when you add in the stress of family, traffic, odd working hours, etc. So some of my biggest challenges have been finding wellness solutions that both fit strange schedules and the needs of 100+ different staff members. Obviously everyone's approach to wellness varies, so I share all the resources available (financial, mental, physical, spiritual, etc.) for their holistic selves. But I additionally try to take on a project each year that could potentially benefit most to all staff. Last year it was the massage chair, this year I am trying out a personalized meditation/breathing exercise Zoom class. We'll see how it turns out!
What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new wellness ambassadors?
Put on your oxygen mask first. (Don't forget about your own wellness!)
It's very easy (especially for nurses) to continue assuming the caregiver role. But I say this to new parents on L&D because it was said to me on a flight, you have to take care of yourself first and then others. You cannot be a good wellness ambassador if you do not practice it for yourself.
Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being aims to build an environment that makes the healthier choice the easier one, while providing staff and faculty with the required support to make UC Davis the healthiest community. How do you feel you have contributed to our mission?
My motto is: bring your best self to work. Making good and healthy choices becomes easier when you have the right mental approach, attitude, perspective, etc. I try my best to demonstrate that mindset daily and to positively encourage my staff around me. Your actions can inspire others and I feel it is my responsibility as the units' ambassador to be positive and motivate others to do good works.
What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
My daughter is almost 1 1/2 and I am essentially obsessed. I absolutely love reading her books, playing in the yard with the hose, trying new foods together, watching her grow and learn. It is so enthralling every day. She also loves everything to do with water and it’s been a perfectly fun and hot summer.