Healthy Eating on a Budget
Budgeting for food is an important component of financial management.
Many people believe that eating fast and/or convenience foods is much more affordable than eating healthfully. Yes, Whole Foods gets its nickname “Whole Paycheck” for a reason, as evidence by merchandising specialty items such as “gluten free raw spirulina tortillas” for upwards of $10. However, eating healthy can be extremely affordable if you focus on purchasing budget-friendly and versatile staple items.
Healthy, affordable food staples can include: oats, frozen mixed-vegetable blends, fresh fruits (such as bananas, apples, and oranges), lentils, beans (canned or dried), peanut butter, eggs, sweet potatoes, and brown rice. Try buying in bulk and sticking to your pre-planned grocery list for ultimate savings!
You can find more resources for healthy eating on a budget, including grocery lists, tips, and sample menus at: https://www.choosemyplate.gov/budget