September Wellness Ambassador of the Month | Sarah Herrera

Sarah Herrera Headshot

September Wellness Ambassador of the Month | Sarah Herrera

Quick Summary

  • Focusing on wellness has been one of the greatest gifts I have given myself and shared with others. In a world full of constant distractions and challenges, wellness gives me the opportunity to slow down, hit the rest button, and focus on the things that

Wellness Ambassador of the Month
Sarah Herrera, Mondavi Center

How long have you worked at UC Davis?

I have worked at UC Davis for 16 years.

What does Wellness mean to you?

Focusing on wellness has been one of the greatest gifts I have given myself and shared with others. In a world full of constant distractions and challenges, wellness gives me the opportunity to slow down, hit the rest button, and focus on the things that matter most. Wellness also drives my creativity, which is an important part of my work that brings me joy.

Why did you become a wellness ambassador?

I wanted to serve my colleagues by providing resources that enrich their lives.

How long have you been a wellness ambassador?

Two years.

What has been the most rewarding or positive about your experience thus far?

One of the most rewarding things has been maintaining a mindfulness meditation group virtually through the pandemic. We continued to meet three times a week and meditate while we watched the Monterey Bay Aquarium live animal camera. Sometimes we had some great laughs watching the animals while hitting the reset button.

What are some challenges you face as a wellness ambassador, especially through the pandemic this past year?

I think the biggest challenge is the email and virtual fatigue that colleagues have faced over the past year and wanting to honor that reality. Email is the only form of communication right now, so not being able to put up flyers at work made it difficult to distribute information.

What is one piece of advice you would like to share with new wellness ambassadors?

Create wellness activities that are accessible to all.

Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being aims to build an environment that makes the healthier choice the easier one, while providing staff and faculty with the required support to make UC Davis the healthiest community. How do you feel you have contributed to our mission?

This past year wellness was needed so much in all of our lives. I have contributed by figuring out a way to keep us connected through wellness when we couldn't be connected in person.

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

I really enjoy hiking, biking and camping. I enjoy any activity that gets me outside and makes me laugh.

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