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Vaccinations Due Nov. 1

New Enterprise Health portal for employees

We help maintain a safe and healthy campus environment through education, risk management, and resources for personal, workplace and lab safety

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SafetyNet 534 Update

The recent revisions and renaming of SafetyNet 534: Building Evacuations for Individuals with Access and Functional Needs (AFN), reflect the Davis campus’ shift toward promoting nationally recognized best practices and emphasizing the need for inclusive evacuation planning.

Emergency Management & Mission Continuity Releases UC Ready Guidebook

The UC Ready Guidebook is designed to help continuity plan owners and end users navigate the UC Ready platform, create new continuity plans, update existing plans, and provide a more seamless experience when using the platform. The guidebook contains helpful process documentation for UC Ready, as well as tips and recommendations for an overall better user experience when updating or creating a continuity plan.