Nutrition programming and resources are offered to the campus community as part of the Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being program. Content is reviewed by a Registered Dietitian.
We welcome feedback and requests for specific information! Contact us at
Submit your Nutrition request through this Qualtrics survey
Services We Offer:
If the following topics do not fit your needs, we can create a custom agenda for your group.

Education and Counseling
- Individual
- Tailored to individual goals
- Group
- Intuitive eating support
- Chronic disease prevention

Creating a Balanced Eating Pattern
- What is the most recent science saying about diet and health?
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans – suggestions for individual actions
- How to get and stay motivated

Grocery Store Tour
- Either virtually via Powerpoint or physically, in the store
- Reading Nutrition Facts and ingredients labels class

Meal Planning
- Leave with three weeks of meal plans and recipes
- Learn how to think ‘big batch’

- Work out the agenda with the dietitian