Nature Rx: Making Mobiles with the Sheepmowers

Sheep mowing the lawn outside of the Silo and Bainer hall grass mounds.

Event Date

Wickson Hall

Presented by the UC Davis Sheepmowers, a urban greenspace research project, and Haven Kiers, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and principal investigator.

Enjoy your lunch while learning how to make decorative sheep “mow”-biles (get it?!) — all while watching campus sheep mow the lawn in front of Wickson Hall. Materials to make your very own sheepmowers mobile will be provided. Come and be part of the spring sheep showcase!

Register for this event by 12 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16, to be considered. We will conduct a random drawing as spots are limited. If selected, you will be contacted via the email address you provide. This event is limited to current UC Davis staff and academics (e.g., faculty, post-docs).

Find more upcoming sessions, including recordings, on the Nature Rx webpage. Topics include: terrariums, building mobiles with Sheepmowers, nature photography, and more!

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