Workers' Compensation Resources

Workers' Compensation Resources

University policy requires that industrial injuries or illnesses be reported to Workers' Compensation immediately, using the Employer's Injury/Illness Report.

Notice Poster
California law requires that departments conspicuously display this poster where it can be read by the employees.

Physician Designation
An employee uses this form to designate his or her personal physician to provide treatment in the event of a work-incurred injury or illness. See Policy 370-20 for further information.

Policies Relating to Workers' Compensation

  • 370-20 - Policy and Procedure Manual, Workers' Compensation
  • PPSM 44 - Personnel Policies for Staff Members, Work-Incurred Illness and Injury 

Return to Work Program
Workers' Compensation works with Disability Management Services to help workers transition back to work while recovering from an injury or illness. Visit the program homepage for more information.

Time of Hire Pamphlet
This state-mandated form must be given to new employees within the first two weeks of employment. It is provided during the onboarding process. The information in this pamphlet is available in Spanish. To obtain a copy, please select the appropriate link below, or call Workers’ Compensation at (530) 752-7243.

Information provided by UC Davis Human Resources about volunteer appointments.