Workers' Compensation Resources

Workers' Compensation Resources

Lab Injury or Exposure

When an employee or volunteer experiences an injury while working in a laboratory setting, it is especially important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

When an injury or exposure occurs, immediately notify your supervisor or the Laboratory Manager. They will help with the necessary steps as described in the IIPP (Injury/Illness Protection Plan) or detailed in the lab-specific training.

Once any immediate First Aid is administered, contact Occupational Health (in the case of employees or volunteers) or Student Health (in the case of students who are doing coursework). If the injury involves a chemical exposure, be sure to provide a copy of the Safety Data Sheet.

If Occupational Health or Student Health are closed, contact Davis Urgent Care or visit the Sutter Davis ER.

If the injury or exposure is to an employee or volunteer, complete an Employee Injury/Illness Report as soon as possible.

If the injury or exposure is to a student who is NOT a volunteer (has not completed a volunteer form, is receiving academic credit, this is part of their coursework), complete an Incident Report as soon as possible and email it to Risk Management at

Based on the type of injury or exposure, the lab manager or Department Safety Coordinator will be contacted by representatives from Chemical Safety or Biological Safety to discuss the incident.

The Laboratory Injury or Exposure guide was developed to help researchers and their lab personnel when seeking medical treatment for exposures or injuries in lab settings. Click below to download it in Letter (8.5” X 11”) or Poster (11” X 17”) sizes.

Disability Management Services Return to Work Program 

Workers' Compensation works with Disability Management Services to help workers transition back to work while recovering from an injury or illness. Visit the program homepage for more information. 

California Division of Workers’ Compensation 

Visit the state’s website for comprehensive resources about the claim process and learn about rights and responsibilities when it comes to reporting injuries and the claim process. 

Injury Reporting Tutorial 

Watch a detailed tutorial on how to complete the Employer Injury/Illness Report. 


If an injury or illness involves violent acts, altercations, discrimination or harassment, they can still be reported confidentially. These reports will not notify the employee’s supervisor or the department.