Cal/OSHA Top Violations 2019
Cal/OSHA recently released the list of the top Occupational Safety and Health (Title 8) Cal/OSHA Violations 2019.
The top ten on this list has not changed much over the last year. The top 5 on the list account for over half of the most cited violations. Violations related to Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) over the years has remained on the top of the list.
At UCD, Department Safety Coordinators are instrumental in ensuring their department’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program is up to date. One of the best ways ensure these documents are current, is by marking your calendars with an annual reminder and ensuring you give yourself enough time to review the document and gather signatures (if applicable) well before it is due for its annual revision.
Cal/OSHA Violations 2019
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program
- Heat Illness Prevention Program
- Construction Injury and Illness Prevention Program
- Control of Hazardous Energy, Including Lockout/Tagout
- Hazard Communication
- Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment
- Reporting Work- Connected Fatalities and Serious Injuries
- Respiratory Protection
- Portable Fire Extinguishers
- Permits to Operate Air Tanks