The Marco Lab Wins 2024 Grand Prize for Lab Safety in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Dr. Maria Marco and her research team at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have earned the grand prize for lab safety in this year’s UC Davis Lab Safety Awards.

Dr. Marco's lab investigates how microorganisms in food and the digestive tract benefit human and animal health. Her team focuses on lactobacilli, microorganisms essential for fermenting foods and used as probiotics, and their impact on diet and intestinal function. This has led to studies on microbial growth, food fermentation and the interaction between diet and the gut microbiome.
With these research goals in mind, safety remains a top priority. New lab members undergo a thorough safety onboarding process, including reviewing lab-specific standard operating procedures (SOPs), completing online safety training, and receiving an in-person orientation. The lab also conducts weekly discussions of lab safety observations and areas for improvement.

"The goal is to instill a habit of safety awareness in our daily laboratory routine for all lab members," said Dr. Marco.
The lab also conducts quarterly clean-ups and assigns specific tasks such as equipment maintenance and chemical management to ensure all instruments are functioning correctly. For work involving biological and chemical hazards, additional safety training and documentation are provided to guarantee adherence to UC Davis safety standards.

The lab's efforts were recognized during inspections by EH&S professionals and DSCs, who praised Dr. Marco's dedication to safety. "Dr. Marco has strong safety values and it shows in her lab and in her work," said one inspector. "Her lab is always clean and organized and her personnel are as supportive in safety culture and values as Dr. Marco herself."
The lab also had no findings during biosafety audits, further highlighting the Marco Lab’s meticulous attention to detail and commitment to safety.
The Marco Lab plans to develop protocol training videos and to continue to update its laboratory manual to ensure it remains current and can be used as a guide for continuing and new students, staff and lab visitors. Dr. Marco aims to make the lab’s onboarding process even more efficient for future students and researchers.
The Marco Lab sets a high standard for safety excellence at UC Davis, contributing to both the advancement of science and the well-being of all lab members.