GETS is how you can make a voice telephone call (landline and/or mobile) when all the phone lines are jammed (i.e., after a disaster).
You should have been issued a card (resembles a gold credit card) with a phone number and PIN. This PIN is specific to you.
If you do not have a GETS card or don't know where it is, please contact Additionally, please feel free to attend office hours if you have any questions.
- Office Hours Information
Every Tuesday from 11am - 12pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 828 352 3499
One tap mobile: +16694449171,,8283523499#
- Using GETS can be easy (instructions below). Keep your GETS card handy at all times so you can enter your PIN when trying to make a call.
- GETS is for official use only and all calls are logged/reviewed regularly. Non-official calls will be billed at a cost of $0.07 per minute.
- You can also download an app on your smartphone to avoid needing the card and PIN (please see attached "PTS Dialer App Factsheet" for more information).
- To update GETS information, add new users, or ask any questions, please contact
- There are additional pdfs available online containing helpful information: