Post Offer Medical Surveillance Programs

Before making an appointment, confirm that medical monitoring is required:

The wording "This position is subject to Medical Surveillance procedures and review in accordance with Federal and State Laws and University Policy" should be in the Special Conditions section of the Position Description and Vacancy Listing.

Call Occupational Health if you need assistance - 530-752-6051

Making an Appointment

  1. Supervisor fills out a Request & Authorization for Medical Services form
    1. Request & Authorization Form
    2. Request & Authorization Instructions
  2. Fax the Request form to Occupational Health at 530-752-5277
  3. Call Occupational Health at 530-752-6051 for an appointment

Department Compliance Reports

Occupational Health can provide compliance reports that list the department employees who are in a medical monitoring program (or programs), when their last test was completed, and when they are due for further testing. To discuss or arrange for compliance reports, please contact Melissa Brown,

Types of Medical Surveillance Programs

Animal Contact

Health Services for Individuals Having Animal Contact (UCD P&P Section 290-25): Employees who will be working within any animal care facility (e.g. Primate Center, VMTH, VM: ARS, Nutrition) are required to have certain medical testing before entry into those areas and as required annually thereafter. Specific medical tests that are required vary depending on the facility and are determined by Occupational Health Services' medical staff.

Asbestos Program

Medical Monitoring for Employees Exposed to Asbestos (Cal/OSHA Title 8, 1529): Employees who may be exposed to asbestos as part of their work should receive an asbestos physical, including medical clearance to use a respirator. We recommend that any employee who may be working on asbestos abatement should receive testing upon initial hire, before entry into the work place, and annually thereafter.

Drug and Alcohol Testing or Drivers (UCD P&P 380-22)

A position falls under the Federal regulations of the Department of Transportation (DOT) if it requires the employee to operate a vehicle that: (1) has a gross combined weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds, (2) is designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver, or (3) is used in the transportation of hazardous materials that require the vehicle to be placarded. UCD Firefighters are excluded from this program.

  • An applicant for, or employee transferring to, a DOT-regulated position must complete a pre-employment drug test and achieve a negative test result before the first time a safety-sensitive function is performed.
  • The applicant/employee must sign a Receipt of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy.
  • If the applicant/employee has worked in a DOT safety-sensitive position within the last three years (two years for Unitrans), the supervisor must obtain a Previous Employment Record Release from the driver's previous employer to prove that s/he participated in a random drug and alcohol testing program. A response must be received from the previous employer within 30 days of when the employee first performs safety-sensitive functions.

Visit the UC Davis Drug and Alcohol Testing program page to obtain the appropriate forms.

Hearing Conservation Program

Hearing Conservation Medical Monitoring (Cal/OSHA Title 8, 5097): If it has been determined by the department or by EH&S that the employee will be working in areas of high noise, a hearing conservation program with a hearing testing is required. Any employee who may be required to work in such an area should receive testing upon initial hire, before entry into the work place, and annually thereafter.

Lead Monitoring Program

Medical Monitoring for Employees Exposed to Lead (Cal/OSHA Title 8, 1532.1) If an employee may be exposed to lead as part of their work, blood lead levels are monitored upon initial hire and annually thereafter.

Respiratory Protection Program

Respirator Protection (Cal/OSHA Title 8, 5144) If an employee may be required at any time during his/her employment to wear a respirator, medical clearance to assure the employee can safely wear a respirator is required. We are recommending that any employee who may be required to use a respirator should receive testing upon initial hire, before entry into the work place, and as required thereafter.

  • Completion of the Respirator Questionnaire (PDF) is required at the time of testing for renewal of medical clearance to wear a respirator.