Below are the steps taken to complete the pre-placement medical exam process:
The position description for job titles subject to Pre-Placement Medical Exams are stated in the Work Environment section of the position description.
Example- "This position is subject to completion of a Pre-Placement Medical Exam provided by Occupational Health Services, given at no charge to the applicant."
The hiring department will inform the applicant(s) that hiring is contingent upon completion of a Pre-Placement Medical Exam.
Once the selected applicant agrees to a hiring offer contingent on the Pre-Placement Medical Exam, the department:
- Performs the background check (if necessary);
- Fills out a Request & Authorization for Medical Services form (PDF)
- Faxes the Request form and the Position Description to Occupational Health at 530-752-5277;
- Calls Occupational Health at 530-752-6051 for an appointment;
Gives the applicant a copy of the Request form to bring to the appointment.
The exam is performed by medical staff at Occupational Health. However, special arrangements will be made for off-site locations.
Upon completion of the exam, Occupational Health will fax and then mail the hiring department a copy of the clearance form indicating whether the employee is cleared for hire without restrictions or with medically-based work activity restrictions.
If work activity restrictions are indicated, the department where the applicant will be working will consult with Employment and Outreach Services and the Occupational Health's physician to determine if accommodation is reasonable.
If work activity restrictions are indicated, the applicant has the right to appeal the process. The applicant will receive a copy of the medical report from Occupational Health and Pre-Placement Medical Exam Appeal process information.