Emergency Planning

Special Event Planning 

Campus Emergency Plans 

The campus's expectation is that each department will develop and maintain a mission continuity plan for their department and a Building Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for each occupied structure.  

To support departments, regular training is available and would be particularly helpful for departmental heads and planners who that are: 

Building Emergency Action Plan (EAP)  

Cal-OSHA regulations require every employer to establish, implement, and maintain an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Click here for guidance on developing or updating EAPs.

The program must be in writing and include the following elements: 

  • Emergency escape procedures and emergency escape route assignments. 
  • Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate. 
  • Procedures to account for all employees after an emergency evacuation have been completed. 
  • Rescue and medical duties for those employees who are to perform them. 
  • The preferred means of reporting fires and other emergencies. 
  • Names or regular job titles of persons or departments who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan. 
  • A system to notify employees of an emergency. 
  • Training for all employees on the EAP. 
  • The written plan must be kept in the workplace and made available for employee review.

To assist UC Davis departments in establishing and implementing an Emergency Action Plan, an EAP template has been prepared by Safety Services in accordance with University Policy 290-15: Safety Management Program, 390-10: Campus Emergency Policy, and California Code of Regulations Title 8, Section 3220 (8 CCR, Section 3220). See Building EAP Resources below.

  • EAP Resources 
  • Building EAP Template – Most campus buildings
    Complex EAP Template – Pre-approved clusters of buildings operated by the same department
    Access and Functional Needs During Evacuation

  • Assembly Area Guidelines 
  • 1. Choose a location comprised of open space, easy access from your building, and capable of holding all of your structure's occupants safely.
    2. Establish a primary and secondary meeting place that you have pre-identified.  A secondary meeting place should be established in the event of unplanned circumstances or if condition changes warrant abandoning your primary site. 
    3. Meeting places should be at least 50 ft from the building under normal circumstances, and 1.5 times the height of the building if there is fear of a collapse. (This should factor in when choosing a secondary meeting place.) 
    4. Do not evacuate to locations where emergency personnel will respond such as: roadways, parking lots, near fire hydrants, or obstructing fire department connections (FDC’s). 
    5. Do not evacuate to an open area contained within a structure(s), i.e. garden area or courtyard.
    6. Your building’s Responder Liaison is responsible for making contact with emergency crews and providing updates to those evacuated regarding re-entry of the building or the need for further evacuation.  The Responder Liaison should have an alternate person identified as part of your EAP planning process in the event they are not in the building at the time of an emergency.  (See Responder Liaison roles and responsibilities in the revised EAP.) 
    7. Regularly practice evacuations, gathering at your meeting place, and performing an accountability check of employees, students, and staff.  This will ensure a greater level of success in the event of an actual emergency. 
  • Elevator Emergency Systems 
  • Each elevator on campus has an alarm system. Some have only an alarm button, with no two-way communication. If that alarm is activated, the emergency response system will send emergency personnel to the elevator. Some elevators have telephones or speakers. In those elevators, the emergency response system is alerted when the receiver is lifted or the speaker button is pushed. As is the case with the campus emergency phones, emergency personnel will be sent even if the person activating the system does not speak. 

For questions regarding the Building EAP, please email prepare@ucdavis.edu.

Continuity of Operations (COOP) Planning 

Also known as Mission Continuity or Business Continuity, or “UC Ready” plan. 

COOP planning ensures “Mission Continuity”, or the university’s ability to ensure its operations and essential functions are prepared for disasters by minimizing the impact of disruptions to services during an emergency or disaster.

This includes planning for communication, relocation, changing operational status, information system outages and other impacts to the mission of the university. COOP plans help ensure critical business processes continue or are minimally disrupted during disasters. 

UC Ready

UC Ready was created to help departments prepare for rapid resumption of the University's mission following any unexpected disruption (e.g. earthquake). The core activities of teaching, research, and public service are performed at the department level; therefore preparations to continue these activities after a disaster should begin at that level. 

The UC Ready tool will guide you, step-by-step, to create a continuity plan that: 

  • Identifies Priorities: What parts of the operations must come first? This is our business impact analysis (BIA) and is created via the Essential Function and Application questions of UC Ready.  
  • Outlines Recovery Strategies: Based on the priorities and risks that we have identified, we then identify strategies for continuing our operations (e.g. working remotely, reciprocal agreements, etc.). Strategies your department may have identified previously have been transitioned over to the upgraded version of UC Ready. 

Click for information on how to create a UC Ready account to view and update UC Davis mission continuity plans.