Cal/OSHA Document Requests are Rigorous
When Cal/OSHA comes to campus, either as a result of an illness/injury, anonymous complaint, or industry sweep; they will request a standard roster of documents.

Cal/OSHA Will Request:
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program
- Facility layout (plans, flow diagram, evacuation, equipment, etc)
- First Report of Injury/Illness
- Many other documents as outlined here
Preparing Documents
Environmental Health and Safety will work with departments to submit the required documents. However, it is critical departments have this documentation updated, available and ready to share with Cal/OSHA inspectors.
Repeat Violations
Cal/OSHA has begun to enforce repeat violations, even if the original violation happened at a different UC campus. There is also proposed legislation to significantly increase fines.
- Learn more about Cal/OSHA Enforcing Repeat Violation Citations, including the critical importance of an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program.