Fernandez-Bayo Lab Safety Award Winner

The winner for College of Engineering, Jesus Dionisio Fernandez-Bayo, is a newer PI beginning research in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. 

Fernandez Bayo in lab
Dr. Fernandez-Bayo in lab performing research. 

Dr. Fernandez-Bayo's lab is studying how organic waste can be used as a biopesticide, and provide an alternative for farmers who are forced to use harsh chemicals, many of which are banned for the risks they pose to health and safety. Dr. Fernandez-Bayo’s work helps reframe waste as a valuable resource, and will improve both the lives of farmers and the state of the agricultural industry. 

A Message from Dean Corsi

He cites education as the most important mitigation step when it comes to safety and believes the Safety Welcome Package in his department has been very effective in establishing the do’s and don’ts for his line of research. He also recognizes his team of safety coordinators, Kameron Chun and Victor Duraj as well as the Department chairs, Bryan Jenkins and Fadi Fathallah for all they’ve done to support him as a new faculty member.

Dr. Fernandez-Bayo plans to use the money to buy equipment for the lab he shares with another PI in the Department Biological and Agricultural Engineering, and is excited to see how it will grow in the coming years.

Fernandez Bayo field work
Fernandez Bayo field work