Photo of group of people after completing a fire drill
5th from left is Krisztina Forward and on the far right is Maura Ferrero.

Impressive Fire Drills at Vet Med

Vet Med Safety Officers organize fire drills for several buildings.

In September, Krisztina Forward and Maura Ferrero, Safety Officers for the School of Veterinary Medicine, coordinated a building evacuation fire drill over five days for twelve buildings that house laboratories, lecture halls, clinical facilities, and administrative offices.

Along with a comprehensive communications effort to keep building occupants informed, Forward and Ferrero enlisted the support of campus partners such as the UC Davis Fire Department, Facilities Management’s Lock Shop and Alarms Teams, and Environmental Health and Safety.

Fire drill teams achieved the following objectives:

  • Check for properly functioning fire doors, strobes, announcers/horns
  • Ensure all personnel evacuated the facilities safely

Following the Fire Drill
The building occupants assembled in their pre-determined locations where the UC Davis Fire Department provided feedback on the evacuation and education about what do in case of an emergency.

It was impressive to see how these two safety officers coordinated this massive event so well.

Host a fire drill
Fire evacuation drills are a great way for departments to practice their evacuation procedures.

The UC Davis Fire Department can perform a limited number of building evacuations each month.

  • Advanced notice and coordination with the building occupants is critical.
  • The Fire Department will not conduct the exercise if coordination between department DSCs has not occurred.

To schedule a fire drill, please contact the UC Davis Fire Department.

forward and ferrero with several UCDFD firefighters
Krisztina Forward (left) and Maura Ferrero (second from right) pictured with UC Davis Firefighters.
UCDFD providing education to evacuated TRACS staff
UC Davis Fire Department personnel provided emergency information to evacuated Gourley employees. 
ucdfd firefighter
Avery White, UC Davis Firefighter, describing to VMTH personnel the essential steps to take if you discover a fire during a fire drill. 
hundred evacuated outside Tupper Hall
Hundreds of Vet Med employees participated in the fire drills over five days.