Why A Chemical Inventory Is Necessary

Why a chemical inventory is necessary at UC Davis. 

Chemical inventory information is provided by departments.
Legislative Background

There are numerous federal and state regulations that require the maintenance of a hazardous materials/chemical inventory. The most applicable regulations affecting UC Davis are California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.95 and Cal/OSHA Hazard Communication (8CCR§5194) and “Laboratory Standard” (8CCR§5191).

These regulations share a common theme to address peoples’ right to know about the hazardous materials present in their workplaces and community.

An accurate chemical inventory helps the campus:
  • Comply with current CUPA reporting requirements;
  • Comply with new Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) reporting requirements;
  • Evaluate compliance with fire code control area limits;
  • Assist design and renovation of new and existing facilities;
  • Calculate air pollutant emissions;
  • Identify specific hazardous materials that may trigger other reporting requirements; and
  • Assist compliance with requirements of federal and state regulations. 
What Chemicals Need To Be Listed On The Inventory?

All amounts of hazardous materials greater than 1 gram or 1 milliliter (with isolated exceptions) must be reported in CIS. The term “hazardous material” refers to any chemical which may present an asphyxiation hazard, environmental hazard, health hazard, physical hazard, or hazard not yet classified. Chemicals marked with an asterisk (*) must be reported, regardless of amount.

The following must be reported into CIS:

Radioactive isotopes and materials that are accounted for with a Radiation Use Authorization (RUA) or pharmaceutical drugs that are not listed as a controlled substance do not need to be included in the inventory.